Monday, January 31, 2011


so...I'm bored. I'm at the good ole homegoods trying to do as little as possible. I hate/love working Monday nights. They are really slow. I have been in the office all night. I'm supposed to be training a new kid tonight....his name is Stephano and I'm not sure if he understands English so.....I am just letting him hang out until someone needs a rug. Ha. Maybe I will get "cool" manager points for that. But at the end of the day I just don't care. I want to go home and be with my family. This past weekend spoiled me...I have been at work for 9 hours and I started missing them after the first one.

Anyways. I have been in the office all night eating Marges secret stash of food (she is on vacation this week) I really like the peanut butter filled pretzels :) she will think Willie ate them all...we always blame things on Willie. I guess that's what happens when you are the only male manager and your name is Willie. I call him Willard-he hates that.

So back to the point. I have been playing on my phone- ya know Facebook and whatnot...but I noticed that I now have a Blogger app. and I didn't do it. I have some thoughts as to how it got phone often disappears in the early mornings...

Now if I can figure out how to add a picture that would be a miracle
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

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