Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hopped Into A Coma

We copied a McDonald's commercial this morning for breakfast and chopped up some apples and sprinkled raisins on our oatmeal and boy was it tasty. I had cereal for dinner. Full circle. Laura's closing tonight and I am still in the throes of switching operating systems. Right now Yuula is having a borderline hostile conversation with her Squishy, but she's been behaving well enough today. I love when she falls asleep in her jumparoo.


She has to work hard in that thing.

Guess I'm gonna watch the Sugar Bowl tonight. Until I fall asleep or switch over during the commercials and forget it's on like I did last night. I just like to see cheaters take a beating. Go Razorbacks! Talked to the male half of my family tonight as well. Dad just checking up, and Tyler's making tilapia for dinner. Sounds good. Too bad I already had blueberry muffin frosted mini wheats. Clementines for dessert.

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