Sunday, January 9, 2011

Frost Line Bliss

I love mornings like this. When I'm up before the cats. When it's not yet 8 and I'm on my third cup of team switching to decaf halfway thru, and it's a Sunday so I'm using way too much creamer. My "sedatives" playlist shuffling by, highly effective despite its infantile stage. Laura & the baby are comatose with absolutely no chance of waking up before the sun gets high enough to peak into the bedroom's northern window. I love mornings like this.


I am however bummed that I missed those playoff games yesterday. It never registered that they play on Saturday in the post season. We came home late last night and I switched on ESPN to see what trivial basketball drama they were talking about and saw that I missed two pretty great games. Laura knew the Jets won before I knew they had played. We'll watch today. I got a bag of chipotle doritos that says so.

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