Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jack Smells Like Yellow


Yeah I don't know what that means either, but it's part of the customary madness of visiting the Hartsuikers and their two boys Jack & Ryan, and with another boy on the way, I pray for them. But that's why we went over yesterday, to help Rich & Michelle move their bedroom downstairs so the boys could share their old bedroom and new baby boy can have the boys old room. Manual labor: sign me up.


Yuula was a hit there, adding another boyfriend to the mix. Ryan's courting skills aren't yet honed, so he does a lot of poking her in the face, adorably mispronouncing her name and getting easily distracted to play with his helicopter. Actually that seems to be the dead on.


The moving portion of the day went relatively quick, Laura and I being experts on how to move oversized furniture thru awkwardly shaped pathways. The only real roadblock came when mysteriously the boxspring did not fit heightwise down the staircase. After agreeing with Rich on the power of a good shove, followed by a painting touch-up, a heave and a ho and no one was the wiser. The boys helped by carrying clocks and cords downstairs so I rewarded them with a chicken dance song as we waited for pizza.


Always good times with that bunch. We are thinking about making plans to go camping. I can teach the boys how to dance around the fire and attract bears. Can't wait.

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