Monday, January 3, 2011

Cleansing By Means Of Upgrade


Big move today. On the computer that is. I didn't realize the amount of stuff I'd have to back up, just in case. Bookmarks, playlists, programs, libraries, photo files, music files, video files, projects, labels, settings, favorites, passwords, and the list keeps getting longer. Hopefully by the end of today I will be switched over and can start moving things back, a kind of cleansing by way of upgrading. I used the OS on Kevin's computer down in Georgia during Krupp Christmas. Smooth. I don't get too deep into the high techy stuff, but the simple things do it for me. I'm a little nervous that this is going to turn into a disaster and I'm gonna lose a lot of important or sentimentally valuable information. But that's the price I'm willing to pay for hat fancy snap feature.


In the meantime, I am making sweet love to this cherry pie today. I didn't get my fair share last night, on account of me gorging myself with the beef curry. So I'm making up for it today. More than. With our "no dessert clause of 2011" kicking in as soon as it's gone, I am relishing in each tasty forkful.


On the baby front, it's just Yuula and me today. She's really starting to be able to entertain herself. She can hold her toys, kinda, and she just adores her feet, and as long as I prop her up with all the pillows and blankets in the house, she won't fall down after 8 seconds. They make her screech like a pterodactyl. I'll have to get a video of that. But she still needs her fair share of human contact, and if she ain't ready to be put down, she ain't being put down.

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