Saturday, January 22, 2011

Warming Up To It

It's tough to photograph falling snow

I'm having a hard time getting this house warm this morning. The pellet stove is a touchy fellow. His knobs must be in the exact position according to the current temperature, the time of day and the effects of Saturn in the twelve houses as counted from the Moon-sign during its transit. So maybe I miscalculate every now and then.


Laura is off to work and I'm home with the child, who on her own, has just decided to switch up her sleeping/feeding schedule. That's fine. I was getting bored with the old one. She's asleep now, so I can have a little peace, because when she's awake, she's loud. She testing out some new timbres and decibels and decided she likes the rash and loud versions the best. Expecially when that dadblasted moose is hanging over her. Then she's got a lot to get off her chest.


She's just lost her mind in general.


Her loudest yelps tho, come at the telephone. She just loves to hear her mothers voice over the speaker. She gives her a piece of her mind and tells her that if she doesn'y get home to feed her soon that Dad is going to let her drink from the Hennessy bottle.


I have her set up in her little playspot this morning, wrapped in my bathrobe and gave her Sophie. Being quiet this morning. She's usually not awake this early. We're watching Law & Order. It's a good one. Jack McCoy is sticking it to 'em.


Hey look, it's Alps & Roger.


Mom and Dad said...

look at those one time rolls are too cute...

Mom and Dad said...

I need some proof of this conversation with the moose...meaning...MORE VIDEOS..