Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girl's Got Places To Go

I noticed something funny today in that Yuula was never where I left her. She was close but just off a little bit. I set up a camera to run some surveillance footage, very like trying to catch a rare bird in the wildernees or shots of bigfoot. Look at what I caught and I promise, I did come near her. This is all on her own.

Sneaky girl can scoot. It wore her out because she fell asleep right there.


Mom and Dad said...

it won't be long before she is pulling herself up on the coffee table..ahhh man...time is going so you Yuula

Grandma said...

Since you newer generational kids will not use a "playpen" (for safety) they make this thing called a kid corral which is about a 8' plastic fence thing that you can put up around the perimeter of your room where you do not want her to go. Brian & Asriel have one. You might want to think of it as a NEED, now that she is on the move.