Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Ghost Of Jack LaLane


That's an actual photo from our kitchen counter this morning. I don't know what came over me, but we've a bunch of kale left over from a soup Laura made just stirring in the refrigerator fresher, and I been wondering what to do with it. Upon daily browsing of the interwebs I came across a kale smoothie recipe. I barely glanced at the ingredients but thought, "I got some fruits and vegetables just laying around. How bad could it be?".


Now before you say "Uh Oh" let me say that it wasn't bad at all. Pretty delicious actually and while I don't think is the beginning of an alternate lifestyle for us full of supplements and egg whites, I am gonna keep this in mind. We had banana, carrots, grapefruit, yogurt, kale, avocado, coconut and a little orange juice. Then we argued over whether to use the blender or the food processor to smoothify them all. Maybe we just need a juicer. I think I will add eggs next time.


Now I just need to figure out how to utilize the rest of this coconut. I don't even know how a coconut got in the house. I smashed it on a rock this morning like a monkey. Highlight.

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