Sunday, February 6, 2011

Scagging On Our Whimsy


Yuula started reading yesterday. Her first book is called 'Color and Pattern' by Ron L. Hubbard. Six glorious pages of different patterns each with a different color. You got green polka dot, orange stripe, blue circle, yellow square, and as an M. Night Shyamalan style twist at the end you have purple monkey. Monkey is now a shape. She read it 46 times yesterday. I know this because when she's done she throws it on the ground and cries until someone comes over and picks it up and hands it back to her. That someone is me.

She has trouble turning the pages without using her monkey feet. I'm gonna see how many times I can say the word monkey.


I took some photos of the world last night from our bedroom window. I thought it looked spooky. It didn't come out as spooky as it looked with real eyes. I looked out the window flashing light into the yard as a huge chunk of snow had melted enough to slide off the roof making an awful scraping noise. I ran and climbed under the covers like a scared little monkey. Just know that I was unnerved.


Add to that the mysterious emergency vehicle monkeys that passed thru the neighborhood just a bit ago. Their sirens and lights were going but they were driving about 5 miles per hour. Are you in a hurry or not. You're sending mixed signals. I stuck my head outside to see if I could smell smoke, but ended up fooling the cats into thinking it was time to eat. I asked Laura, because she had shoes on. Here's another creepy photo.


On our way to NJ today, in about an hour. Gotta go rustle up the monkeys who are asleep encrusted in their own combined drool no doubt. A floorboard just creaked. They heard me.


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