Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gimme Your Nickels

I just read that nickels are worth more than what we all thought they were worth. The actual metal value of 5-cent coins, made from a copper-nickel blend, is up to 7 cents. That's 2 cents we're throwing away every time we spend one. So I propose we, all of you who read here, gather up all of our nickels and melt them down in one large pot and split the profits. I need a lot because there's a $10,000 fine for melting down American currency so we'd have to melt down at least 500,000 nickels just to pay the fine, and then we can split the rest. There's 20 billion in circulation so start checking behind your sofa cushions and underneath your carseats. I know my Dad has an old nickel collection. Let's start there. Cough 'em up Pops. It's for the greater good.

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