Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wrap Mind Warped


I can't just lay in bed with something pressing on my mind like an elephant sitting on a grapefruit. Mmmm I love grapefruit. I woke up and saw the clock say 3:38. That is dumb, to be awake at that time. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about the stack of Christmas wrapping paper we have stacked up in the spare bedroom upstairs, among many other things, but for some reason the wrapping paper was really bugging me. I couldn't get past it. I tried to search online, on my phone, from bed (love modern) for a storage box big enough to house them all. You see we somehow acquired the mythological 42" roll of wrapping paper that they sell no bin big enough to hold, so it's been an ongoing battle. Ebay has been no luck. A generic google search brings up many stylish ways to stow away your holiday papers, some for $80, but none over 37". I gave up and bought this instead.


We need it. The one we have isn't spatially compatible with our new van and Laura's left knee. Only $8.99. Not bad. Coming from Fairfield NJ. May have it by the weekend. Only I couldn't pay for it in bed. Wouldn't bring me to paypal. So now I'm up. Tea brewing. I think I'll go take a shower. Leaving at 6. Laura to work. Me to EWR. Aunt Danielle is coming to town.

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