Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All Vampires And Bananas


Like a whirlwind, visits sweet and short. It was nice to see Christian and great to finally spend some time getting to know Katrina. The girls seem to be doing quite well for themselves and hair aficionados, working in the glamorous field of film and television, stage and screen. I can't divulge their clientele for fear of painful death but I can give you a clue: Vampires. And before you guess incorrectly let me just tell you that you probably can't guess incorrectly. Anyone want some autographs?

The day started off at the Gap bus depot. From there we were all in need of a brunch. A new place, for us, was chosen, Sarah's Corner Cafe. Looked sweet and Southern and quiet. Perfect. During breakfast we learned that Christian cannot do math, Katrina is adept at breaking & entering and we let Yuula order for us all.


Knowing the girls' penchant for period piece headgear we dropped by the Olde Engine Antiques on the way home to see if they could find any hidden treasures. Turns out they could. And turns out Yuula and I are natural head models.


I think they picked up 5 or six articles, which is good for them, but not for me who was not consulted on the decision for us all to then wear said headgear for the remainder of the evening. At least I got a pretty one.


We made them one of our favorites, Swedish beef curry, which worked Laura up into a tizzy in the kitchen, something she loves doing when it's not 9pm after a long day's work. She was even convinced to whip up a rhubarb pie when she heard that neither of our guests had ever ventured to try the stuff.

The rest of the evening went by too quickly but I remember it involved sewing machines, Green Man, a cabana, Bordeaux and a group effort in making a bed. Look here at these confusing photos.


Double Exposure! This is the beginning.

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