Sunday, March 6, 2011

He's The Mary, I'm The Rhoda


We made a promise to Eric we'd see him perform again this year. It may be his last. It may not. I am not brave enough to bet real money. We showed up late, we watched as little as possible and had a fine evening. Eric spun a gun and was darn tootin'. It was Yuula's first exposure to the activity that at one time dominated my life. To say the least, she was highly intrigued.


She met some old friends from another life. People who can't believe I'm a daddy. I don't blame them. It's not the norm in this arena. It's always nice to see ancient figures, ever more now, being so far removed already. I imagine with time, it will be ever nicer. It's my form of high school reunion. I don't know that I'll ever go to my actual one. This is my substitute. And Eric got to sign the front page of my yearbook.


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