Sunday, December 30, 2007

No Year's Resolution

A woman on the radio this morning was speaking about new year's resolutions. She was saying how we as a people should take the resolutions more seriously, like she does, and that she has decided that 2008 was going to be her best year yet. I thought that was a very odd thing to say. I tried to think of what my "best year" had been so far. It had to be like 1979 or something, I mean I didn't even have to worry about going to the bathroom, and the naptime, OH the naptime. Then I wondered about the obsession with having your "best year ever", why we should feel like we have to constantly outdo ourselves, year after year. Making resolutions at the start, forgetting about them 10 days later. I mean they're always the same; 1) Save Money, 2) Eat Right/Lose Weight, 3) Quit Smoking/Drinking. I'd like to know the percentage of resoultions made that are actually followed thru on. I'm guessing in the 2-4% range. So this year my resolution is, to not make any resolutions. Just like I did going into 1979.

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