Friday, December 7, 2007

Home From GA, Home To Snow

We are back from Georgia. That was a quick visit. Quick but fulfilling. Highlights including gift shopping, family reunion, family photo to mark the family reunion, chi treatment, Michigan rummy, puppy suits, Play-Doh & free drinks on the plane (thanks Delta lady). A full photo recap will follow shortly.

We did come home to snow! My first snow in like 6 years and even longer for Laura. Not a full-on / grab-your-snow-shovel / stock-your-cupboard / call-the-police snow, but there is white on the ground. It's enough to remind me why I love it up here. Let's hope this winter is nice and white.



So Laura is at work, since six this morning. I am doing laundry and repacking for another camp weekend. Leaving soon to pick up April & Co. at the Philly airport. Banquet this weekend. May be the last of it's kind. I may actually get dressed up for it, or at least my version of dressed up. We'll see.

So this is just a check-in, and if you've been following the blog at all you know we have alot of photos to put up from our recent endeavors. This is going to be a pretty slow week (for me at least) so be ready to be bombarded. It's gonna be update city, which I think is somewhere in Idaho.

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