Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Recap

How to sum up a year? Not an easy thing, nor is it something you can do by writing or reading a silly post on an equally silly blog, but nonetheless, here it is, and there you are.

2007! Lot's happened. To start, I overcame my extreme hatred for water. For some reason I just didn't care for it, in any form. But now, I drink like 5 glasses a day. I actually went swimming (not in a public pool I ain't crazy). I went kayaking, I went on a boat, I went tubing and spent more than my fair share of afternoons strolling along a beach. And I'd like to announce that I now shower daily as opposed to bi-weekly. Look...
(45) water bullet
(117) ...this photo
(167) land ho
(228) trying to stand

You want some figures? Ok how about the number 9. That's the number of ice cream cakes we ate. Next year we're going for double digits.
(15) ugly cake

We visited 19 states. That's actually kinda low.

But Fran rode 2 motorcycles.
(036) vic & fran go for a ride
(01) biker fran

We watched all 53 episodes of Arrested Development, for the third and definitely not the last time.

We saw 21 bands.
We climbed 4 mountains, saw 3 plays, and moved twice (I can't put up photos for all this, we'll be here all day). We took 22,071 photos & uploaded 58,256 songs to iTunes.

We got married once.

Let's see what else. We toured an ice cram plant. Dream come true. We went house hunting, pumpkin picking, tree cutting, leaf peeping, wine tasting, road tripping, antiquing, flea marketing, whale watching, I finally got Fran into NYC during Christmastime, one of my alltime favorite things to do, ever anywhere. We also got (re-)acclimated with sports, mainly MLB & NFL. Look out for my fantasy leagues in the '08.

Not bad for a year. It's barely noon tho so we still got like 12 hours.

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