Thursday, January 12, 2012

Strictly Baseboard

The big news story today is about heat. Heating our home has taken a dramatic turn and just in time for some nasty weather. And the removal of the tree yesterday has exposed a nice eight foot electric baseboard heater that, after initially wafting a strong fragrance throughout the house, really warmed the place up and gave us hope for ridding ourselves of the services of that dad-blasted pellet stove.


No more will I curse the flame. No more will I need to drag 40lb bags of pellets from the shed. No more will I have sooted hands before my morning tea. No more will the industrial racket interrupt our evening viewing. No more will I have to yell at Yuula that those pellets are not baby snacks. No more will I wrestle with the suddenly broken fuel lid.

We may resort to an extra source when the temperatures drop into the single digits or below, but if the recent weather has been any indication, you may have flickered your final blue flame old friend.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

I would remove its cover when off and give it a good vacuuming...there has got to be a lot of dust in there from sitting for so long...and maybe pine needles..all flamable...its amazing what can get in there...Yeah for the heat though...I am too enjoying being warm quickly in the am..instead of waiting until about noon with the wood burning stove in Jackson...but be careful...see what your electric bill will be...when Grandma first moved in with us I would also turn on the heaters down stairs cause she had a real problem with being cold...and our bill for one month..back in 97 was over $800..lg may want to use to quickly warm up but still might want to use the pellet stove to keep warm all day...