Saturday, January 21, 2012

No Rematch, No Rematch, No Rematch, Stop!

Final Four_NFL

I remember 2008, walking thru the Miami airport and seeing the end of the Giants/Cowboys game on a bar television. The whole place erupted, dollars got new owners and drinks were ordered. It was an exciting time to be a Giants fan. Little did we all know what lie ahead. Now it's 2012 and this time it's different. A surprise party is fun when you don't expect it. This year I feel like I should expect the Giants to win the super bowl. Back in the end of November I remember trying to figure out who I was going to root for come post season because the Giants looked awful and it wasn't even a thought that they'd make it to the conference championship. Now that they're there and playing the 49er's (the team I chose to root for sans Giants) I am quite uncomfortable going into tomorrow. I do think they can win, but that opens up a whole new set of worries. I kind of don't want the Giants to play New England in the Super Bowl. What a buzzkill that will be if (and when) Brady & Belichik finally get their revenge on the blue menace. It won't make up for destroying their potentially perfect season, but it would suck. Another interesting game would be Baltimore vs San Francisco, brother vs brother, but they tried that at Thanksgiving and I think it was a snooze. So, of course, by default I'm rooting for the Giants to win, but I'm gonna go against my better sense and root for Baltimore to meet them in Indy. No rematches. I'd take SF and NE if I have to, but I won't like it.


So, I got my burgers, I got my chipotle chips, apparently there will some sort of skype session so I am ready for that. Let there be two good games and I won't be disappointed. I guess.

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