Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nothing Much Doing

Thursday huh? Laura has gone in a little early because she's gonna "hit the gym". I hope she's referring to the Planet Fitness she's just joined and not some dude named Jim who's pissing her off lately. I didn't ask. Figured I'd hear all about it when she gets home. Which will be late, meaning it's just me and the girl today, but she just woke up and it's 11:30 so... should be a quick day. She's saddled up with a bottle of chilled milk and some Sprout. It's the news show. Love those ants. So clever.

I have no big plans to do. Have some projects at work that I'll get to today. Right now I'm just flipping thru some new music for the 2012 and reading some world news headlines myself. Heard we can now worry about whether or not our orange juice has funigicide in it. Thanks Brazil. And now our Marines get to urinate on enemy combatants after their dead. That's some patriotic pee. Mormons came out today with the admission of dislike for their very own Mitt Romney, joining everyone else on the planet.

In the good news category..................... I learned of new release dates for the Shins, White Rabbits and Xiu Xiu. The Giants are confident about this weekends game against Green Bay. I guess at this point there's not much more I can ask for there so, good news. And I think girl scout cookies are going on sale soon so... silver lining.

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