Friday, December 24, 2010

Octopus Monster And The Devil

I don't know what it is about Christmas Eve but it makes me want to watch very random movies that definitely don't fit into the holiday spirit. Last year I watched Limits Of Control, which despite having an amazing and unexpected dance scene is not Christmas-y at all. This year I strayed even further from the mistletoe watching a double feature of Devil and Monsters. I haven't been a big fan of M. Night Shamalamadingdongs, for any of his movies, I find him self-indulgent, but I do love a good Hitchockian style thriller that can take place in one confined space the whole film and keep my interest, like Rear Window or Rope. This was no Rear Window or Rope. It was fine, no big twist at all like Shama claims to have in store for us in all his trainwrecks. Or maybe there was a twist but it was just so uneffective that I didn't notice. The coolest part was the opening credits where he scanned the Philadelphia skyline unpside down. In a film about the devil among us, that was the creepiest part. The opening credits. Stink-O.

Monsters was part 2 of the double feature. These are all movies I know Laura will never wanna see. But this is one of those I wish she would, a la Let The Right One In. I'm sure a lot of people are chased away by the title or the "concept" but this was a pretty cool movie. It's not every movie, nonetheless a so called "monster" movie having such nuance and unspoken emotion, not to mention that the monsters themselves take such a backseat and when they are featured for a brief moment it's more of an open-mouthed touching moment of humanity. I also appreciate the fact that they really didn't try to explain why or who or what evil power was at work in order to create this movie world's current predicament. Enjoy-O.

So one bad, one good, and Laura just called so she's on her way home. Cornish hens & pine tree pasta. Look out buttered rum. Now if I can just find my jigger.

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