Monday, December 6, 2010

Just Let It Be

You know that dream you have where Glenn Close, Dee Snider & Freddy Krueger are on a beautiful beach singing a seemingly neverending version of Let It Be and then that kid that played Forrest Gump when he had leg braces comes in and he's all grown up and looks like that guy that tried to sell you weed everyday in your sophomore algebra class and then creepy people in matching red sweatshirts are flipping thru a photo album of Pam Anderson & Leslie Nielsen may he rest in peace? No? Because apparently someone made that dream come true.

I guess Peter Falk didn't know the words.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

that is the most eclectic group of people I have ever seen...who the hell put this together...Tonya Harding...really?..interesting..but weird...