Sunday, May 30, 2010

What Potent Blood

...hath modest May. Almost to an end. These months are flying like none other. Baby is coming. Screws are tightening. Showers are upon us. June and July showers. And showers this weekend that are keeping me from mowing the lawn.


For now I'm compiling a master list, I call it "the A-list", of music, scanning thru the iTunes, now at 57,063 strong, to find only the elite and turn it into a flawless playlist for the roadtrip. The Ohio "Roadtripq" mix had defects, mainly because I lazily dropped full albums that had no business accepting the benefit of my doubt. This time it's a track by track scavenger hunt, choosing choice tunes and reaching back as far as the early 50's for hits. It's gonna be a doozy. I may just drive the speed limit.


As for now, I just sent the little pregnant woman off to work, carrying precious cargo and looking forward to tomorrow. I made her a double lunch, two sandwiches, two oranges, two everything. I got piles of laundry and bigger piles of Law & Order on, but I do hope to get outside to a dry lawn as well. I got it down to 40 minutes now. Going for a record.

Oh, and that's a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote up there. Dunno where I heard it.

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