Sunday, May 23, 2010

Let's All Believe

"I don't laugh at people any more when they say they've seen UFOs. I've seen one myself!"
-Jimmy Carter
This weekend I decided that I believe in aliens. This is the danger of watching the History Channel all day.

Reason #1

The Piri Reis Map is a map dating back to 1513 drawn up by a Turkish military admiral named Piri Reis. It's considered to be the oldest map showing the Americas but also depicts the coastline of Europe and northern Africa, and while they're not prefect fits they are frighteningly accurate. While it's interesting that it shows the mythical island of Antillia the real suspicious landmass is found down at the bottom of the map. A landmass that with reasonable accuracy shows the coastline of Antarctica, and not the Antarctica we see now covered in layers and layers of ice but the actual Antarctic coastline found beneath the thick layer of ice.

Whether you believe that to be Antarctica or not, which won't officially be found for another 308 years, it's still an alarmingly accurate map of the world as seen from space. Pretty sure there were no flights back in 1513, especially out of Cape Canaveral.

Reason #2

The pyramids had always been a bit of a mystery, how were they built etc etc. But forget that in order for "what we know" to be true each rock would have had to be cut, moved and placed each in 9 seconds, the part I found curious is their positioning.

The Great Pyramid itself resides directly along the longest longitudinal line and latitudinal line, therefore making it the exact center of all landmass in the world. Also, each of its four sides align almost precisely with the four pints of a compass even tho a compass wasn't invented yet.

Another coincidence is how the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, two of the world's largest and most famous pyramids which are separated by a sea share the same exact perimeter. Not so much a coincidence. Kind of like how a modern day house builder will stick with one design & layout and repeat it over and over again. Only this was ancient times and no one was commuting from Egypt to Mexico with floor plans.

Reason #3

And finally there's Tiahuanaco. Defying modern dating techniques this Bolivian city is estimated to be over 17,000 years old, which makes it the oldest city on Earth.

The sculptures and architecture in the main city are enough for most people to ask questions about the possibility of their existence, but the real goldmine falls right outside the city limits.

Puma Punku.

Unfortunately all that's left of this temple complex is ruins, but is believed to be built in and about 14,000 years ago. The mystery surrounding Puma Punku is not really what is was, but how it came to be. There's a few problems with common sense answers. Where to begin?

First off, most of the blocks at Puma Punku are around 250-300 tons with one alone weighing 450 tons. These blocks had to be pushed or pulled (or levitated) 10 miles from the nearest quarry near Lake Titcaca up a steep incline to the plateau where they now lay in a heap. Engineers of today say we would have trouble doing that nowadays. This was done before the wheel was invented and there are no trees to roll them one like believed to be used in Stonehenge. Curious.

Problem number two. Once they got these massive boulders up the hill they were laid out in such a complex design that it resembles a puzzle, with each piece interlocking and fitting together perfectly. There had to be some sort of planning or writing or knowledge of design here, and once again, we're talking about stone age people here.

Problem number three is the quality of the workmanship. These blocks were cut, and cut with such precision some with perfectly chiseled 90 degree angles and others with grooves that run perfectly straight and precisely the same depth from one end to the other. Add to that that the rocks are all granite & diorite and the only thing hard enough to cut these is diamond. So I guess these cats also had diamond tipped tools.

There's some more convincing "evidence" like Easter Island & the Nazca Lines and such but I doubt anyone's even read this far so I'll cut my losses. So I believe in aliens. Oh well. Whatcha gonna do about it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Elohim. Annunakai. Yati. There are a wealth of clues to drive this investigation into what will prove to turn history on it's ear. Perhaps. What we can say with certainty is that the tiny channels and drill holes are surely precise for having been there for some 15,000 years or more. And whoever designed and built these structures surely chose one extremely high elevation and climate.