Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Wife's Got Skillz

I know it may be hard to believe but this is an original rendering of the famous American landmark, Mount Rushmore, done by my wife on a dry erase board that is mysteriously fastened to the back of our office door.

...and Yes, that is a walrus climbing up the left side of the mountain, trying to reach who I can only assume is the cast of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia up top there, minus Dennis. He would've stayed at the bottom. Other than that she's pretty dead on, except for choosing to go for more of the jovial expressions on all but Lincoln's face (I wonder what he's down about) and then of course the addition of clothes when in reality the only to one to show any attire is George Washington, who did not in fact also have a jheri curl, but I guess we don't really know what was going on underneath those powdered wigs so... good job, baby!

And she signed it.

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