Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Incumbent; Indeed

First off let me say that I am SO getting one of those fancy-schmancy touch screen computer polling systems installed in my house; STAT! I can see it now: "I've always wondered what percentage of Post Graduate Hispanic Born Again Evangelicals prefer Coke over Pepsi" or "Hey guys wanna find out what percentage of Gay Right Wing Muslims in Arkansas watch Letterman instead of Leno?". The possibilites are limitless.

That said, new president.Barack Obama. Gave quite the speech in Grant Park. Wonder if my sister was there. Lots to do. Lots to see. Lots to fix. I wonder what you do right after you're elected president. Think he's at home on his couch in boxers and a wife beater watching ESPN or Air Force One and taking notes? Think he's running around a hotel in his bathrobe singing "Florida loves me baby!". Think he's prank calling Joe Lieberman? I think some things are better left to the imagination.

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