Friday, November 28, 2008

I Should Be Sleeping

Did you know that it gets down to -40°F outside that plane? And we were going like 600 mph. No joke!


So anyway, I got here, safe & sound. Whole exit row to myself. Nicely done. Eerily empty airport. The customs lady gave me a little trouble. It went a little something like this...

Customs Lady: What's the purpose for your visit?

Me: Visiting friends.

Customs Lady: Where will you be staying?

Me: My friends house.

Customs Lady: What's his address?

Me: I dunno.

Customs Lady: What is his phone number?

Me: I dunno.

Customs Lady: How will you find him?

Me: He'll find me.

Customs Lady: What if he doesn't?

Me: I guess I'll just wander around England til Wednesday and fly home.

Customs Lady: Can I see your passport sir?

From there it gets boring. In the end I'm here. Quick ride to Jon & Michelles in Billericay. We chatted about all our friends, caught up on who's doing what and decided to stop off at an Indian place downtown. Their choice! Fantastic little downtown by the way.

Delicious meal, a 40 oz. Cobra (that's how they do it in the Essex) and back to their flat. Talked a little shop, watched some kitty parallels and headed to bed. It's late here and I need to get up soon so I need to go and try to force my eyes shut...

Here's a few shots from day 1. Or day 0.5

Jon & Michelle, sweet litle tea drinkers


This is where I am sitting right now. Amazing!


Here is Jon brushing his teeth. They use the other ends of their toothbrushes here in the UK


This is me with some jetlag, not a pretty picture.



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