Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Carnival Of Light

Even tho they're half dead, the Beatles are still managing to put out new stuff. This time it's a long sought after and sort of 'holy grail' for Beatles fans, the mythical Carnival Of Light.


The story goes that at some point in 1967 while in the studio recording Penny Lane for what would become the Magical Mystery Tour album, Paul McCartney uttered the words...

"this is a bit indulgent but would you mind giving me 10 minutes? I've been asked to do this thing. All I want you to do is just wander round all of the stuff and bang it, shout, play it. It doesn't need to make any sense. Hit a drum, wander to the piano, hit a few notes..."
What resulted was nearly 15 minutes of full on Beatle chaos, and after all these years, well I guess really he just doesn't give a crap anymore and figures some fans might get a kick out of it.

Here's a few quotes heard about the track Carnival of Light by those chosen few who've had the pleasure.

"jumble of shrieks and psychedelic effects"

"avant-garde a clue"

"one of those weird things"

"a kind of uncomposed, free-for-all melange of sound that went on"

"it was put away"


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