Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aussies In The Church: B.Y.O.B.

I started off messy.


I wore a nice white t-shirt on our date, but ruined it eight seconds into my plate of panang salmon. I can't have nice things. Smile Cafe was tasty tho, and conveniently located. We didn't let their BYOB status ruin the experience.


Around the corner was the First Unitarian Church. A grand venue that we were jammed in the basement of. We were prepared to be hotboxed. Differing from the scene we experienced the night before, the F.U.C. was a mixed bag of young bums, black guys wearing glasses, Fleet Foxes facial hair and dudes in black gym shorts that dance real slow. Again, the BYOB took us off guard but we improvised.


Yawn was up first.


Upon first glance they look the spitting image of an Animal Collective wannabe. The animal they chose to mimic sonoically was the panda bear. They were surprisingly enjoayble and we had a base. I was forced to make a trip to the package store after their set due to extreme thirst. It was going to be a long night.


After the most painful sound check we've ever experienced, Yuck wailed on a pretty impressive setlist that complimented the gentle sway we had already established. Highlighted by the slowest and heaviest jam I've ever heard, they were sinfully tight while they swung thru hits of their un-ironic early 90's sound.


The place was stoked for the headliners. We forgot about the surge and the settle. The crowd tightened up but I knew the first note would break us loose. Our strategic positioning six feet in front of a stack of speakers caused less worn ears to head for the rears after just a few tunes. We stayed the course and this morning our ears are paying the price.


Tame Impala is the tiniest band in the land. They played all the hits, in a fury of psychedelic wonder, warping our minds and surprising us at every turn. Songs morphing and abruptly switching gears, a cover of Massive Attack's "Angel" and closing out with a continous 20 minute freakout that actually made Laura laugh out loud. Good stuff. Great stuff.


So we got it out of our system, in 28 hours we saw six bands and went 6 for 6. We caught Philly on good nights. Today it's back to Mom & Dad, manager and instructor. At least we won't have to listen to people's crap. We still can't hear anything.

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