Friday, October 8, 2010

Night Terrible

At first it seemed like it was going to be a quiet night. I don't know what this girl is up to. She thinks 11pm is the time to get up and get going. Last night we hit rock bottom around 2am, gave in and came back downstairs. Since we had her we've had this strange fascination with terrible cartoons, especially those of the 1970's like Super Globetrotters, Nacho Bear, which is about a bear that chases nachos one at a time, and that horrible one with the Three Stooges as robots.


I still can't tell what their super powers are. Looks like Big M, Wetman, Ballhead, BigFro & Noodles. Not exactly super powers. Thank goodness there's the Pink Panther to return us to sanity.


Ahhh Pink Panther, the cartoon version of Mr. Bean. Such a great soundtrack too. I gotta get that.


So the monster kept us up til around 5, and then mysteriously disappeared into sleep. I don't know what she has to be so upset about sometimes. She sleeps all day, poops in her pants and eats out of her pillow. Good thing she has no idea what comes next.

The cats were ravenous when I finally got up and fed them.


They're on a schedule. They don't like to be delayed.

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