Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weekend Rustle

What is that sound? That rustling sound? Here in the icy north, there are no leaves on the trees, no school papers due, and it is not trash collection day. But there is a sound heard, from sea to shining sea, o'er purple mountains majesty and upon the fruited plain. It is the rustle of millions of bags of chips being pulled from supermarket shelves, newspaper pages fanning as readers turn eagerly to the sports section, and money changing hands as tickets scalp for 40 times their face value and millions of dollars are wagered on one team or the other. It is Super Bowl weekend and the sound of it drowns out all others. The moans of the recently unemployed, the cries of the suddenly homeless and even the cheers of a nations newfound hope are all drown out by the rustling sound of a plastic bag full of beer & salsa. There will be no weddings, there will be no concerts, there will be no dinner parties and bless you if your birthday falls on February 1st because you'll just have to wait until next year. Hope it wasn't a big one. And it's not only onsite in Tampa Bay. The excitement exceeds our borders into places like Ouagadougou where fans yell "Touchydown!" in TV bars of tiny tropical hotels. So don't fight it. Just clear your schedule and bring some chips...

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