Sunday, January 6, 2013

So There's Some Wellness

I know, 6 days into the new year and all that's leaked from here is some meandering whine about "woe-is-me" and typical pains of parenthood and home ownership. No fond rememberings of the year 2012 was. No grand countdowns, best-of's or highlights. I'm disappointed in myself. Truth is I will probably get around to all that stuff, maybe later on today, we'll see how it goes, but the last four full sun up to sun downs my head has been swimming a sea of snot and sludge and I honestly can't believe that it's been this long. I don't get sick. Like ever. But when I do get a bug, I guess they make sure it's one of those big ass bugs, ya know.

No need to relive all the gory details of the past week. I can show you a few highlights tho, because there were only a few, so it won 't take too long...

Yuula tried to learn guitar by osmosis one day, by refusing to take her houndoguitar off for about 6 hours. She's definitely going to start a band.

At one point on Friday I think we both became one with the couch. There's going to be need for a major cleansing of this house next week.

She actually took a nap on me, which is one of my all-time favorite things, to the point that I let play the inanity of the sprout channel the whole time due to an just-out-of-reach and not wanting to disturb her, fought off a swelling bladder and ignored two phone calls. Luckily Laura got home shortly after and was able to capture the moment, for maybe the final time. 

And we finally watched the Dark Knight Rises... it was awesome.

Yesterday it all seemed to turn around. No more hacking coughs, swimming sinuses or piles of used tissue. Laura took Yuula in for a checkup just to ease our minds. Doc said she looked good but gave us medicine for her lingering cough, which today has all but disappeared. 

So we move onward. Back to work, back to play. Still dirty and waterless but that will hopefully come to and end soon as well. Like I said, 2013 can only get better from here. Right?

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