Wednesday, November 21, 2012

When The Mood Strikes, Cookie It

It's Thanksgiving Eve. Is that a thing? All holidays should have observed eves. And birthdays for that matter. Big celebrations require a day (or two) preparation time. I'm going to petition for this idea. Will you be the first to sign? While I'm at it, I think the day after holidays should be a mandatory recovery day as well, that way the holiday celebration can go well on into the night without any concern for the morning after. I got some work to do.

Anyhow, just cleaning up and putting together some around the house for us. Getting ready to host 14 people, simultaneously. Good thing our new heater arrived today and is burning up the place. We put three tables together and managed to find lots of chairs. I didn't know we had so many legit seating. Also threw together some decor and take a little stress off of tomorrow. The plan was also to do a little cooking prep, maybe throw a couple things in the oven that could last the night and just reheat before dinner time tomorrow. That's what I thought Laura was gonna do. Instead I walked into the kitchen to find her baking cookies.

Just because. And here's Yuula's first taste of her mother's homemade family cookie. All those you see in the foreground are now also eaten. 

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