Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ball Of Power And The Wishbone

I'm not ashamed to say that we joined in on the national hype and played us some powerball last night. We were fully aware that we were more likely to be hit by lighting while being stung by a bee and riding a dinosaur up Mount Kilimanjaro, but still, it's fun, somebody's gonna win something, and we need a legitimate reason to stay up til 11:59pm with absolutely no payoff.

So we don't need to explain how we didn't win, but this morning I saw the reason why we did not win the $588,000,000. That darn wishbone. Laura found it while she was de-meating that turkey yesterday and we forgot to snap it. Therefore, neither of us had any luck. No luck, no lottery. That's how it works, right? 

We'll save it for when we need it, like summoning nature for a day off or finding $588,000,000 buried in the backyard.

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