Saturday, June 11, 2011

Walnuts On The Wall Is Nuts


At Mom & Dad's tonight, AKA Grandma & Grandpa Estler's, in prep for Dylan's big day tomorrow. The cousins got together and swapped toys and pawed at each others faces. So far they get along swimmingly. And that's without a pool.


Had some cookout burgers indoors due to inclement weather, and after a long stressful day on our side of the world, a couple beers sprinkled the evening, followed by Mom & Dad's traditional magaritas.


The girls cut up some melons for the coming festivities and Yuula gave a reenactment of herself watching So You Think You Can Dance this past week. The video will be up in the next few days. Keep an eye out.


For now we are sleepy.


1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

thanks for sharing the pics of the night..cousins...too cute...