Saturday, June 25, 2011

Vibrating My Brain

Laura was born very close to Father's Day, so every year her birthday falls right around the joyous occasion. This year in the birthday card she got from her parents she got a little suggestion as to what would make a terrific first Father's Day gift for me. It was pretty clear of the intention. The intention was highlighted in yellow.


Always one to take a hint I knew the time was soon coming that I had to break out the clippers, for a couple reasons.
  • One: It was damn hot working out in the yard with all this fur, plus the NBA headband I been trying to sport was deemed ineffective early on and the hair was such a force to be reckoned with that hats would continuously be cast off my head in violent manner.
  • Two: Maybe I can finally avoid those obnoxious comparisons to funny man Zack Galifianakis. Don't get me wrong, I like his comedy, but when I learned finally that I can't even get a free ice cream cone out of the uncanny likeness, it just became a nuisance.
For those of you who are so blessed to not have to lay eyes on me day in and day out and are unaware of how I've let myself go..


The main reason for the delay was that I fear for how Yuula will react to her newly buzzed father. We're in a good place right now and I don't want her thinking I'm some weird stranger. But I guess her memory center is still underdeveloped enough that I pretty much have to gain her trust everyday already. We'll see how it goes.

Here's this mess...


And the final product...


1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh, you are so funny!!!