Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Rain Stop Who'll?

Not me! That's who'll.

A little less than a year ago I got the idea to build a few shelves about the living room (seen here), and with the added baggage that baby brings, the spread has become disastrous and I felt action needed to be taken.


This morning I woke at the crack and got out and at 'em. Cutting, screwing, drilling, rulering. And the rain was raining. I chose to ignore it, to the effect that I hung a giant tarp over the porch, aka my workspace, and kept on. I was determined.


Laura had made plans with the Trunks to meet for lunch. We did the Darjeeling Limited thing and made chitchat. Jacob & I are quite similar. We both love ancient ships and our brothers. We posed the babies. Floor of an Indian restaurant: Check!


I'd show you finished photos of the shelf, were it finished. Tomorrow. Right after I paint that last shelf for Yuula's a-frame, from two months ago. Procrastinator.

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