Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life With Less Color

Where have we been? I haven't posted anything significant on here since last week. And of course the significance of said posts are deemed questionable as well. Ok what no-good have our souls been up to.

Last Wednesday I photographed a lovely winter sunset, may be the last one this season.


And then Thursday night Laura & I moved the toaster into the living room so we could enjoy some toaster strudels and not miss our television program. I wonder if the design you make on your toaster strudel tells anything about your personalities. Can you tell which strudel is whose?



{answers below}

Friday was relatively uneventful, in that we saw no relatives. Ha! But no really, we didn't do much. I did however learn how to set my camera to take black & white photographs. Madness ensued.


Saturday was Saturday. I had planned on being out of town but plans got pushed back. Highlight of the day: probably this delicious salad and watching Man On Wire. Great film about the other day everyone stared up at the World Trade Centers and one you should definitely see, if you can, again, stand French subtitles. Aren't we such movie snobs?


Sunday. Now Sunday was a big day. We have been making big plans. Big plans that involve windows, toilets, stackable washer/dryer & sledgehammers. But we needed to do some clearing of a mess that's been accumulating since May 23rd, the day we moved in. I say we made a ton of progress and are quite pleased with where we are in these developmental stages, even tho it meant throwing out my favorite found couch.


We also discovered the sepia setting on our camera and used it on some close-up photos.


Oh! And Laura made bread. It's gone already.


Monday was back to the grind, but I had a free moment and pretended to play stalker. I think I freaked out some old ladies.


Yesterday was a whole new adventure, but I'll have to get to that later on. I got stuff to do.

{A. Travis's strudel, B. Laura's strudel}

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