Friday, July 18, 2008

Finishing the Road

Gerard, the sound guy from Cadets is passing around this book by the dude who wrote No Country For Old Men, claiming it to be an "easy-read", and tho I'm not much for post-Apocalyptic sci-fi dramas, I was severely bored so I traded him my Tom Robbins Skinny Legs and All for his The Road and lay down to read the first few pages. Interesting writing style, short & to the point with carefully placed passages of sudden intense narrative, letting just enough information trickle out to force the need to know what happens next. Before I knew it I had read 40 pages. The second time I cracked it was on the plane from Charlotte to Newark and I read another 115. I checked out the front cover as we landed. Turns out Cormac McCarthy won the Pulitzer Prize for this book. Now I feel smart. Gerard gave Skinny Legs and All back to me before I left. He was on page 17. He said it was written in Farsi. I stepped on his fingers.

I expect to finish this book this weekend.

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