Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Year A Difference Makes

So many people have asked me in the past few days, "Hey Travis! What is the big difference once a baby turns one?". Actually no one has asked me that. Kind of rude really. You people are inconsiderate. Geez. But I'm gonna answer you anyway. Even tho you're rude people.


The biggest difference, for Yuula anyhow, is sleep. This girl turned one and fell asleep. Right the hell out. And not only does she sleep well, but she does it in her crib. A couple months back we tried to transition her into her own sleep quarters, quite unsuccessfully. This time she seemed to be ready to break away from us in the evening and retire to her own side of the house. Let's see if it lasts.

She just woke up today. Hit the hay for a good 14 hours. Now she's ready to go crazy. Good thing we got all these new toys.

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