Monday, July 12, 2010

Good Morning Tetanus

I got stung by a bee yesterday while trying to turn off the hose in the backyard. I was on my way in, last thing, turn off the water, and bzzz-bzzz-bzzzzzt! right in the back of the ear. Man that's a tender spot. I didn't think too much of it, took a shower and came downstairs for some Mets game. Around the bottom of the 2nd I could tell I was starting to swell up. I got some ice, and iced it on and off til the end of the game. Then I didn't think about it again. Til this morning, when I had one man ear and one elephant ear.

Laura jetted out for some benadryl and after consulting the pharmacist and secretly with my mother, the three decided I should go to the emergency room. Feeling too swollen to argue I called out of work and headed out. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast on the way.

It was pretty quick, in & out at Pocono Medical. Doctor Corey said to keep taking benadryl and icing it. Another doctor came in and after she had a quick peek around the backside of my Dumbo sized ear told me to hang in there and gave me a air fist bump. I bumped her back. Still another employee came in and gave me a tetanus shot, since I had no idea when my last one was, they said it was precautionary. Bees carry lockjaw. But she gave me a sticker so... eat your heart out Braden.

So week's off to a good start. I'm hoping to be unswole by tomorrow, but I just woke up after my first dose of antihistamine, a delicious childrens cherry syrup. I just downed my second so I'm hoping to be passed out within the next 10 seconds.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

at least you don't look like sloth...remember when you saved you little brother?