Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Days Are Higher

I made a nice transition towards comfort in the new office space today. It is a whole new world up here, for myself and Yuula. Now instead of having a free for all in the living room she has fulltime access to her own bedroom, plus ours, which really is a better deal if you ask me. Plus I know she won't be getting into food, fire, or the like. So there's that. I did try and leave her down in the living room yesterday while I worked upstairs but that lasted about 8 minutes when I heard what sounded like this...


So that was the end of that experiment. But she likes the change so far. There's still a TV if she wants to watch some Sprout, and there's all new toys and books in her room, so it's kinda like Christmas. Plus she really likes her duck bath, even when it's not bath time.


To play in...


To watch TV in...


Or to take a nap in.


But finally today we did use it for what it was intended for. Bath time,


which she just doesn't get enough of. And it does lower her energy level a notch or two, so it's a little easier to transition to bedtime. I thought I'd put the nail in the coffin with a little Pajanimals sleepy time show but those fools were having a party, singing and splashing and taking rocketships into outerspace. I'm trying to put a baby to bed here Jim Henson. Pull it together please.

Eyes: Piers Morgan interview Chris Christie
Ears: Ryan Teague - Field Drawings


Mom and Dad said...

glad she is upstairs with you...
Are those pellets she knocked over?


Travis said...

Berry Blossom Kashi