Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Room Of Doom


Today we tackled the toughest room in the house. The dumping ground thru the summer and into the holidays and the new year. Not to mention all supplies hidden in the nooks and crannies, bits and pieces of projects we planned on getting around to on those rainy days and then never did. This day was dreaded. We put our heads down and got thru it, and possibly even had a good time by the end of it all. Yuula appreciates another room for her to run around in, and I finally have the setup I was looking for. Albeit temporarily.

Yuula helped vacuum.


And then she ran around like a bird.


And we love her.



Mom and Dad said...

feels sooo good when you are actually getting it accomplished..and then in the end you wonder why you just didn't do it sooner...
I have our 2nd bedroom that needs that kind of purging...just need to get the energy to do it...maybe you have inspired me...we'll see...

Mom and Dad said...

ohhh and we love her toooo....

g ma