Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blog Done Good

One day a little old woman walked into a thrift store and found a curious book for sale. It looked like someones baby book, and she thought to herself "How darling! I must have this". She brought the book home, along with a new silver tea spoon and some lace doilies she bought, and decided to flip thru and read a few pages and came across the name Ruth. Ruth was quite obviously the mother of whoevers baby book this was, so the little old woman thought she might get on her new computer her grandsom bought her for her 82nd birthday and see if she can't "google" this woman and find out how this treasure made it all the way down south into her hands from Genoa Ohio. Sure enough she came upon a online blog that had posted an attractive photo of a young Ruth Norma Sheldon. She reached out to the blog's author and finally got in touch where she told her story and eventually sent this scan as proof.

Baby book

Apparently Cheryl had brought some things down from her mom's house in Ohio and gave it over to Theresa & Bubba to sift thru and bring to a goodwill that Bubba works at. The baby book slipped thru the cracks, but luckily fell right into the hands of a curious private eye who tracked down the owner and as we speak is making arrangements to return the book.

And all because of this blog. Good job blog. We don't tell you that enough.

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