Monday, September 20, 2010

Yuula's Mensiversary

If the word for the commemoration of a yearly event is anniversary, by analogy the logical word for the commemoration of a monthly event should be "mensiversary". "Anniversary" comes from the Latin "annum" meaning year. The "versary" part comes from a Latin word referring to turning. The Latin word for month is "mensis." Hence, mensiversary.

Anyhow... it's Yuula's mensiversary. She was born 1 month ago and we're still not sick of her. This is her today.


Sorry she's asleep, but she's either comatose or eating so... those are your choices.


Mom and Dad said...

Happy Mensiversary Yuula. :)

Mom and Dad said...

what a face..I just want to kiss her all over..
Your Grandpa said after seeing all 3 of you for the first time that you had "kissable lips"
what a beauty!