Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who's This Billy Rubin?

First off, yes, I know bilirubin is not a person but in fact is the yellowish stuff that breaks down red blood cells, an elevated level of which is called jaundice. Yuula had jaundice, but apparently that's normal for a newborn baby. Easy fix is to stick the baby in the sun and the bilirubin will work its way out of her system. Only problem: it rained everyday after she was born. Homestar & our insurance company put their heads together and sent us a warbly blanket that we had to wrap around her like a baby WWF heavyweight belt and it emits light in stead of natural sunlight. My parents called her the Glowworm.


All is well. Jaundice is gone, bilirubin down. Crisis #2 averted.

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