Thursday, September 2, 2010

Keep The Rattail

I took this photo yesterday and thought my friend Kheli would appreciate it. Here's the conversation that ensued...


22276_265404024745_810184745_4502208_5976049_n For you on this day

n760089476_1021474_330 What is Dan doing up in PA?

22276_265404024745_810184745_4502208_5976049_n That's right up there with some all time rattailz!

n760089476_1021474_330 That's nothing compared to the rattail my son is going to have.

22276_265404024745_810184745_4502208_5976049_n Hopefully he already has one.

n760089476_1021474_330 Well, scientifically, I don't think there is any way he can't have one.

22276_265404024745_810184745_4502208_5976049_n Scientifically yes! At birth, cut the umbilical cord, keep the rattail.

Kheli is pregnant and is due on Christmas. She may name her son Jesus.

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