Monday, September 13, 2010

Too Tired To Today

Today I called it in. Literally. Long weekend, with not much "weekend". Today I've worked on personal goals and personal lows, watched a little L&O:CI and moved a lot of files. Laura took the baby to her lactation station lady and had what she thought was a mommy and meeting that was apparently a yoga class for moms and babies. She didn't have the proper attire and Yuula didn't have the proper mindset. She don't like downward dog. I don't blame her. I would've paid money to see. Laura paid for a month. She's getting crunchy. And thank God the football season has started. I all but forgot about those whose name I dare not mention. I flipped to a game tonight on a commercial break and even tho they weren't losing, I didn't care. But back to it, Yuula has dropped the bottle today. Cold turkey. Now that her tongue is clipped she should have no problem latching so to expedite this already confusing transition for her, we have it on good advice to pretend like that plastic nipple never existed. So far.... she's getting better. Lotsa crying. Lotsa "WaaWaa!" which is kinda adorable and sad, simultaneously.

And I decided I want Yuula to play harp.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

start saving you money for that h
arp...not something I think you will be able to find at flea market or yard sale...:( start her at the playing and her listening...the piano is the best to know and then go from there..if she has any Estler in her she will have some natural talent...heres hoping..
as far as Laura and the nursing...I give a HUGE high five...she is doing a wonderful job and I am so proud of many would have thrown up their arms but she just keeps plugging along..way to go hon...wish I could have been more help..
glad she has Sara to help...
you guys should be very proud of yourselves...