See, Yayoi is a bit of an outsider in our cats' society. She's the nervous one, not too kindly to strangers, or us even, and seems her only vice is being the first one fed every morning, even if she's not hungry, she stands guard til she is. But never has Yayoi let anyone pick her up or hold her in any fashion. She kinda seizes into a stage of rigormortis and then claws her way out.
But last night Yayoi did the unthinkable. Yayoi popped up onto the bed and stared at us. We froze, half with fear, half with amazement. Then Yayoi began to walk about. She kneaded at the comforter, an act we usually yelp at Dents or Abner for doing but this time we had the rigormortis. Then the unimaginable. Yayoi climbed right up on top of Fran, matted out a bed and lay down. We began to pet her and she rolled right over and proceeded to purr.
Don't worry. I had the presence of mind to get proof:
People, this is a milestone in the evolution of feline/human relations, at least under our roof.
It's the little things...
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