Monday, January 7, 2008

Just Another Day In Miami (For Me At Least)

While you read thru this keep in mind that I live a very fast-paced, non-stop, high-octane lifestyle and please don't try to reproduce the events described in the following timeline without first consulting a physician to ensure your heart can withstand the extreme strain that I endure on a daily basis. And don't hate.

5:32 am - receive text from Francis, she is on her way to work

5:33 am - roll over, realize I fell asleep on the couch (again), and turn on ESPN

5:56 am - receive text from Francis, she is at work

5:57 am - fall back asleep

6:21 am - wake up to April crashing down the stairs & moaning

6:33 am - pack April's lunch & send her off to work

6:35 am - try to find some cartoons but end up back on ESPN

8:04 am - have a bowl of vanilla almond Special K

8:08 am - have another bowl of vanilla almond Special K

10:49 am - get bored of sports and flip channels

10:50 am thru 12:49 pm - watch various programs including Tom & Jerry, Awakenings, a special on Hitler's manager Albert Speer, and that channel that scrolls thru the other channels and tells you what's on

12:50 pm - leave the house for a walk

12:51 pm - call Francis at work, she is too busy to talk

1:08 pm - buy a pint of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream at Publix

1:11 pm - buy lunch at Chicken Kitchen

1:17 pm - sprint back to April's

1:24 pm - stop to take a few pictures of trees (and catch my breath)

1:36 pm - sit down to enjoy a delicious lunch, deluxe chop chop

1:48 pm - take a "full-belly" nap

2:33 pm - try and figure out this facebook thing

3:00 pm - April comes home from work, moans, and takes a nap

3:24 pm - eat half a pint of Ben Jerry's cookie dough ice cream

4:09 pm - April wakes up & we watch the last few scenes of "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days"

4:27 pm - April cries

4:28 pm - turn on ESPN

5:18 pm - peel potatoes

5:27 pm - shower

5:49 pm - watch "Monk" (eh)

6:30 pm - salivate over the dinner April & Marcos (& I) have prepared

6:33 pm - eat the dinner April & Marcos (& I) have prepared

6:59 pm - take a call from Francis, she is home safe & sound

7:00 pm - watch "Everybody Loves Raymond"

8:00 pm - start watching the new American Gladiators

8:02 pm - turn off the new American Gladiators

8:15 pm - start watching the BCS championship game

10:52 pm - talk to Fran about pushing the PODS delivery back some more

11:11 pm - say goodnight to Francis

11:12 pm - continue to watch Ohio get embarassed by LSU

11:29 pm - finished off that pint of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream

11:49 pm - BCS game ends, OSU 24 - LSU 38

11:50 pm - turn on Letterman just in time to see them shave Dave

11:55 pm - settle in on a good zombie flick

11:57 pm - post this blog

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