Monday, January 28, 2008

Dinner Decisions

We can never decide what to have for dinner. It's really quite frustrating. And it's not that we're not hungry or being picky. It's just that there's so much to choose from, so much deliciousness that to choose one and count the others out seems cruel & indignant.

We just go back and forth,

"I want pasta"

"How about tilapia?"

"We should make a salad"

"Ooh you know what would be good, Pad Thai"

"But I don't wanna cook!"


It's gotten so bad that we often have to start talking about the next days dinner immediately following the current days dinner. If I were ever to become rich I would hire someone whose only job would be to decide what we were to have for dinner each night. And I would pay them handsomely.

Intriguing stuff, huh?

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